Enum MipFractionReduce
Specifies how often the optimizer should run a heuristic to reduce the number of fractional integer variables in the node LP solutions.
This heuristic is only applicable to problems that are dual degenerate. These are problems that contain multiple solutions with identical objective function value. The more dual degenerate a problem is, the more likely it will be for this heuristic to have an improving effect. Refers to: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/hall/Xpress/FICO_Docs/optimizer/HTML/MIPFRACREDUCE.html
Namespace: OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Solver.FicoXpress843.ConfigurationEnums
Assembly: Optimization.Solver.FicoXpress843.dll
public enum MipFractionReduce
Name | Description |
Automatic | Automatic selection. |
BeforeAndAfterRootCut | Run before and after cutting on the root node. |
Disabled | Disable heuristic. |
DuringRootCut | Run also during root cutting. Implies BeforeAndAfterRootCut. |
DuringTreeSearch | Run also during the tree search. Implies BeforeAndAfterRootCut & DuringRootCut. |