Enum MipSubproblemAlgorithm
Decides which continuous optimizer will be used to solve the subproblems in a MIP, after the initial relaxation.
For MILP (integer constraints and otherwise continuous variable), all settings are permitted. For MIQP (integer constraints and positive semi-definite quadratic terms in objective), setting 3 (Network) is not permitted, and setting 5 (Sifting) reverts to 0 (Automatic). For MIQCP (integer constraints and positive semi-definite quadratic terms among the constraints), only the Barrier optimizer is implemented, and therefore no settings other than 0 (Automatic) and 4 (Barrier) are permitted.
Namespace: OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Solver.Cplex
Assembly: Optimization.Solver.Cplex.dll
public enum MipSubproblemAlgorithm
Name | Description |
Automatic | Let CPLEX choose. Default. The default Automatic setting (0 zero) of this parameter currently selects the dual simplex optimizer for subproblem solution for MILP and MIQP. The Automatic setting may be expanded in the future so that CPLEX chooses the algorithm based on additional characteristics of the model. |
Barrier | Barrier Algorithm. |
DualSimplex | Dual Simplex Algorithm. |
NetworkSimplex | Network Simplex Algorithm. |
PrimalSimplex | Primal Simplex Algorithm. |
Sifting | Sifting Algorithm. |