Enum MipProbingLevel
The MIP probing level.
Sets the amount of probing on variables to be performed before MIP branching. Higher settings perform more probing. Probing can be very powerful but very time-consuming at the start. Setting the parameter to values above the default
of 0 (Automatic) can result in dramatic reductions or dramatic increases in solution time, depending on the model.
Namespace: OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Solver.Cplex
Assembly: Optimization.Solver.Cplex.dll
public enum MipProbingLevel
Name | Description |
Aggressive | Aggressive probing level |
Automatic | Automatic: Let CPLEX choose. Default. |
Disabled | No probing. |
Moderate | Moderate probing level. |
VeryAggressive | Very aggressive probing level. |