Create the Model-class
- The Instantiation of Business Objects
Create the Model-class
In this example a Traveling Salesman (TSP) Model is created. The objective of the TSP is to minimize the total distance traveled while visiting each node exactly once.
Model Generator Class
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace TSP
using OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization;
using OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Enums;
/// <summary>
/// A traveling salesman model
/// </summary>
public class TravelingSalesmanModel
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the
/// <see cref="TravelingSalesmanModel"/> class and initializes all fields.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodes">
/// The nodes of the model
/// </param>
/// <param name="edges">
/// The edges of the model
/// </param>
public TravelingSalesmanModel(List<INode> nodes, List<IEdge> edges)
this.Nodes = nodes;
this.Edges = edges;
this.Model = new Model();
// Edge-activation Variables
this.y = new VariableCollection<IEdge>(
edge => $"{edge}",
edge => 0, // edge is not used
edge => 1, // edge is used in the route
edge => VariableType.Binary); // indicates whether the edge is used "1" or not "0"
// Edge-activation Variables
this.z = new VariableCollection<INode>(
node => $"{node.Name} ",
node => 0, // edge is not used
node => this.Nodes.Count + 1, // edge is used in the route
node => VariableType.Integer); // indicates whether the edge is used "1" or not "0"
// leave the starting node exactly once
Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Where(edge => edge.FromNode.IsStartingNode == true)
.Select(edge => this.y[edge]))
== 1,
$"leave starting node");
// Exactly one incoming edge
foreach (var node in this.Nodes)
// Add the Constraint to the model:
Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Where(edge => edge.ToNode == node).Select(edge => this.y[edge]))
== 1,
$"Exactly one incoming edge for node {node}");
// Exactly one outgoing edge
foreach (var node in this.Nodes)
// Add the Constraint to the model:
Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Where(edge => edge.FromNode == node).Select(edge => this.y[edge]))
== 1,
$"Exactly one outgoing edge for node {node}");
// To eliminate Sub-tours in our TSP we need to add Sub tour elimination constraints
// Iterate each Node as starting node
foreach (var nodeI in this.Nodes.Where(node => !node.IsStartingNode))
// take all nodes, which can be travled to from nodeI
foreach (var edge in this.Edges.Where(e => e.FromNode == nodeI))
var nodeJ = edge.ToNode;
z[nodeI] - z[nodeJ] + (this.Nodes.Count) * y[edge] <= this.Nodes.Count - 1,
string.Format("Subtour Elemination for {0} {1}", nodeI.Name, nodeJ.Name)
// Add the objective:
// Sum of the distances between all used edges
// \sum_{edge \in Edges} \{ x_{edge} * Distance_{edge} \}
new Objective(
Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Select(edge => (y[edge] * edge.Distance))),
"sum of all distances",
ObjectiveSense.Minimize) // Minimize the sum of all distances.
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Model instance
/// </summary>
public Model Model { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the edges of this network
/// </summary>
public List<IEdge> Edges { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the nodes of this network
/// </summary>
public List<INode> Nodes { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Collection of all edge activation variables
/// </summary>
public VariableCollection<IEdge> y { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the collection of all node tour position variables
/// </summary>
public VariableCollection<INode> z { get; }
Next Step
- Retrieve the Solution