Create the Model-class
- The Instantiation of Business Objects
Create the Model-class
In this example a Network Design Model (NDP) Model is created. The objective of the NDP is to minimize the total total cost of the network design and flow.
Model Generator Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NDP
using OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization;
using OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Operators;
using OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Enums;
/// <summary>
/// A network design model
/// </summary>
public class NetworkDesignModel
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NetworkDesignModel"/> class and initializes all fields.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodes">
/// The network nodes of the model
/// </param>
/// <param name="edges">
/// The edges of the model
/// </param>
public NetworkDesignModel(List<INode> nodes, List<IEdge> edges)
this.Nodes = nodes;
this.Edges = edges;
this.Model = new Model();
// Flow-Variables
this.x = new VariableCollection<IEdge>(
// register with this.Model
// Index is just the edge (might have time period in a more advanced problem)
// the name of the variable collection
// Label-Generator
edge => $"Flow {edge.FromNode} to {edge.ToNode}",
// Lower Bound, 0 is default
edge => 0,
// if Capacity is set, use as upper bound (otherwise double.PositiveInfinity for unbounded)
edge => edge.Capacity ?? double.PositiveInfinity,
// Continuous Variable (is default)
edge => VariableType.Continuous);
// Design-Variables
this.y = new VariableCollection<IEdge>(
this.Model, // register this.Model
this.Edges, // Index is just the edge (might have time period in a more advanced problem)
"y", // the name of the variable collection
edge => $"Design {edge.FromNode} to {edge.ToNode}", // Label-Generator
edge => 0, // Lower Bound, 0 is default
edge => (edge.Capacity ?? double.PositiveInfinity) > 0 ? 1d : 0d, // if capacity is set and greater than 0, set 1 as bound for binary, otherwise 0. e
edge => VariableType.Binary); // it is a binary! only bounds of {0;1} are valid.
// Create Constraints
// Add flow-balance for every node
foreach (var node in this.Nodes)
// Add Constraint to model
// equal flow of every edge arriving at the node
Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Where(e => e.ToNode == node).Select(edge => this.x[edge]))
// flows of every edge departing from the node
== Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Where(e => e.FromNode == node).Select(edge => this.x[edge]))
// plus the demand to fulfill
+ node.Demand,
$"FlowBalance, {node}"); // name of the constraint for debug use.
// if any edge is unbounded, take the sum of all demands as Big M
var bigM = this.Nodes.Where(node => node.Demand > 0).Sum(node => node.Demand);
foreach (var edge in this.Edges)
// Add Constraint to model
// Set y greater or equal to edge's usage ratio, use Big M is capacity is unbounded
this.y[edge] >= this.x[edge] / (edge.Capacity ?? bigM),
// name of the constraint for debug use.
$"Desing_LowerBound {edge}");
// Bound y to zero, if edge is not used at all (only required if design cost may be negative).
this.y[edge] <= this.x[edge],
// name of the constraint for debug use.
$"Desing_UpperBound {edge}");
// Add the objective
// Sum of all flows times the flow-unit-cost plus all design decisions and their respective costs.
// \sum_{edge \in Edges} \{ x_{edge} * costPerFlowUnit_{edge} + y_{edge} * designCost_{edge} \}
new Objective(Expression.Sum(this.Edges.Select(edge => (x[edge] * edge.CostPerFlowUnit) + (y[edge] * edge.DesignCost))),
"sum of all cost", // name
); // minimize
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Model instance
/// </summary>
public Model Model { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the edges of this network
/// </summary>
public List<IEdge> Edges { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the nodes of this network
/// </summary>
public List<INode> Nodes { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Collection of all flow variables
/// </summary>
public VariableCollection<IEdge> x { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Collection of all design variables
/// </summary>
public VariableCollection<IEdge> y { get; }
Next Step
- Retrieve the Solution