Enum ConflictCuts
Specifies how cautious or aggressive the optimizer should be when searching for and applying conflict cuts. Conflict cuts are in-tree cuts derived from nodes found to be infeasible or cut off, which can be used to cut off other branches of the search tree.
Refers to: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/hall/Xpress/FICO_Docs/optimizer/HTML/CONFLICTCUTS.html
Namespace: OPTANO.Modeling.Optimization.Solver.FicoXpress804.ConfigurationEnums
Assembly: Optimization.Solver.FicoXpress804.dll
public enum ConflictCuts
Name | Description |
Aggressive | Aggressive application of conflict cuts. |
Automatic | Automatic selection. |
Cautious | Cautious application of conflict cuts. |
Disabled | Disabled application of conflict cuts. |
Medium | Medium application of conflict cuts. |